Crop Name: Women in Soybean Farming_2023
Description: Soybean (Glycine max) is an annual leguminous species cultivated mainly for its seed. It is used in a variety of industries, providing products for human consumption, livestock feed and industrial purposes. Soybean seed consists of 35% carbohydrate, 5% ash, 40% protein and 20% oil; and is a major source of protein and oil for commercial products. It is also used to produce a high protein animal feed. The soy proteins have the highest nutritional value of all the plant proteins for human food, being particularly high in lysine. Soybean provides about 64 percent of the world’s oilseed meal supply and is the major source of oil, accounting for about 28 percent of total production (USDA, 2000). Soybean crop is seen to be useful for the sustainability of the major cereal based cropping systems in the world.
Cost per Acre: GHȼ1655.17
Cost per Unit: GHȼ206.9
Operational Charge: 10.00%
Estimated Revenue per Unit: 16.73% - 26.89%
Duration: 10th Jul 2023 - 30th Jan 2024
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